Published: 1 January 2024
Disclaimer: To remain authentic and true to the Holy Quran, verses are posted in their entirety. Within these verses, key phrases pertaining to food have been put in bold for readers to find with more ease. I have undertaken this task with the utmost care but I do realize that mistakes are always a possibility. Therefore, I kindly ask that you share your observations in the comment section if you happen to identify any errors. Thank you and hope you enjoy!
Ever wondered about the foods and drinks that can be found in the Quran? If your curiosity is piqued, join me as we embark on a spiritual journey through the sacred verses of the holy book of Islam, in search of the rich variety of foods gracefully highlighted within its pages.
I have always been fascinated with prophetic medicine and the broader realm of food within religious contexts. As a result, over the past seven months, I have been collecting (on and off) a comprehensive list of food items encountered during my cover-to-cover study of the Holy Quran.
Several food items in the Quran are regarded by believers as possessing remarkable healing properties and, in recent years, these foods have garnered attention from the scientific community due to their potential health-promoting effects.
I cannot stress enough that this is by no means exhaustive. It is merely a selection that allows people from all walks of life to easily pinpoint certain food-related parts in the Quran, providing a gateway for further exploration if desired.

For reference, the Quran I will be quoting throughout this article is an English translation of the meanings and commentary printed at King Fahd Holy Qur-an Printing Complex in Al-Madinah Al Munawarah (as seen in the image below).
So, ready to delve into the intriguing world where spirituality meets good eats? Without further ado, let’s explore some of the foods that can be found in the Holy Book of Islam: The Noble Quran.
Keep in mind: In order for these verses to be properly understood, I highly encourage you to explore the context behind the surahs for a more accurate and complete understanding. For those interested in listening to the Quran in English, I recommend this Spotify playlist.

Bread stands as an enduring staple in human history. In the Quran, it is mentioned in Surah Yusuf (Joseph) when Prophet Yusuf (as) is wrongfully imprisoned by al-Aziz (chief minister of Egypt) and his wife.
Gifted with dream interpretation, Prophet Yusuf encounters two inmates in prison who confide in him about their dreams. One describes carrying bread on his head, and birds eating it. Prophet Yusuf ultimately discloses that the dream serves as an ominous premonition foretelling the inmate’s impending demise.
“Now with him there came
Into the prison two young men.
Said one of them; ‘I see
Myself (in a dream)
Pressing wine,’ Said the other:
‘I see myself (in a dream)
Carrying bread on my head,
And birds are eating thereof.’
‘Tell us’ (they said) ‘the truth
And meaning thereof: for we
See thou art one
That doth good (to all).”– Surah 12 (Yusuf) Verse 36
Who was Prophet Yusuf (as)? Prophet Yusuf was the son of Prophet Ya’qub (Jacob) and the great grandson of Prophet Abraham. He was known as a very pious and handsome man who faced a series of trials and tribulations (from abandonment and slavery to slander and imprisonment) before becoming a ruler in Egypt. He was a man of truth and of high moral principles, choosing incarceration over committing adultery.

In Surah Al-Baqarah (The Heifer), the Children of Israel, weary of manna and quails, approach Prophet Musa (Moses) (as) seeking a variety of foods, including lentils, onions and herbs.
“And remember ye said
‘O Moses! We cannot endure
One kind of food (always);
So beseech thy Lord for us
To produce for us of what the earth
Groweth, -its pot-herbs, and cucumbers.
Its garlic, lentils, and onions.’
He said: ‘Will ye exchange
The better for the worse?
Go ye down to any town,
And ye shall find what ye want!’”– Surah 2 (Al-Baqarah) Verse 61
Note: According to Tafsir Ibn Kathir, the Arabic word “Thum” (which some believe is “Fum”) in this verse could either refer to garlic or wheat.

Dates are a staple for Muslims around the world. In fact, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) loved eating dates and used to break his fast with them.
Dates are mentioned several times in the Quran, including in Surah Al-An’am (The Cattle) which emphasizes the sanctity of life and death.
In these specific verses, the focus is on highlighting that everything in this world is a manifestation of divine creation, from the rain that falls from the sky to the very essence of the human soul. And we can only marvel at the miraculous transformations that turn seed-grains and date-stones into plentiful fruits.
“It is Allah Who causeth
The seed-grain
And the date-stone
To split and sprout.
He causeth the living
To issue from the dead.
And He is the One
To cause the dead
To issue from the living.
That is Allah: then how
Are ye deluded
Away from the truth?”– Surah 6 (Al-An’am) Verse 95
“It is He Who sendeth down
Rain from the skies:
With it We produce
Vegetation of all kinds:
From some We produce
Green (Crops), out of which
We produce,
Close-compounded grain
Out of the date-palm
And its sheaths (or spathes)
(Come) clusters of dates
Hanging low and near:
And (then there are) gardens
Of grapes, and olives,
And pomegranates,
Each similar (in kind)
Yet different (in variety):
When they begin to bear fruit,
Feast your eyes with the fruit
And the ripeness thereof.
Behold! In these things
There are Signs for people
Who believe.”– Surah 6 (Al-An’am) Verse 99
“It is He who produceth
Gardens, with trellises
And without, and dates,
And tilth with produce
Of all kinds, and olives
And pomegranates,
Similar (in kind)
And different (in variety):
Eat of their fruit
In their season, but render
The dues that are proper
On the day that the harvest
Is gathered. But waste not
By excess: for Allah
Loveth not the wasters.”– Surah 6 (Al-An’am) Verse 141
Did you know? There are over 400 varieties of dates in the world, namely the flavorful Deglet Noor, the soft sticky Medjool, the very sweet Sukkary, the caramel-like Mazafati and the small round Lulu.
In Surah Al-Nahl (Bees), the reference to dates serves as a reminder of Allah’s blessings and stands as one of many signs of His Greatness and boundless Mercy.
“With it He produces
For you corn, olives,
Date-palms, grapes,
And every kind of fruit:
Verily in this is a Sign
For those who give thought.”– Surah 16 (Al-Nahl) Verse 11
Dates also play an important role in the story of Maryam (Mary), the mother of Prophet ‘Isa (Jesus) (as).
In fact, the divine guidance received by Maryam during childbirth prompted the investigation of potential effects of date consumption on pregnancy, labor, and postpartum in various scientific papers.
“And shake towards thyself
The trunk of the palm-tree:
It will let fall
Fresh ripe dates upon thee.”– Surah 19 (Al-Maryam) Verse 25
It is also worth mentioning the Arabic word “Qitmir” which appears in Surah Fatir (The Creator) and which, to the best of my knowledge, lacks an equivalent in the English language.
According to the Quran commentary, “Qitmir” refers to the thin, white membrane enveloping the date-stone which “has neither strength nor texture and has no value whatsoever.” In Surah Fatir, it is used to make an analogy, conveying the idea that relying on any power other than that of Allah is like relying on nothing at all.
For lack of a better word, some translations replace “Qitmir” with the word “straw”.
“He merges Night into Day
And He merges Day
Into Night, and He has
Subjected the sun and
The moon (to His Law);
Each one runs its course
For a term appointed.
Such is Allah your Lord:
To Him belongs all Dominion.
And those whom ye invoke
Beside Him own not
A straw.”– Surah 35 (Fatir) Verse 13

Fig is mentioned only once in the Quran in Surah At-Tin (The Fig), which reflects on humanity’s capacity for goodness, a potential that can be compromised by a lack of faith in the Hereafter. It is believed that the fig here refers to the Masjid of Nuh (Noah) that was built upon Mount Al-Judi.
Did you know? Surah At-Tin, revealed in Makkah, is the only Surah in the Quran named after a fruit.
“By the Fig
And the Olive,
And the Mount
Of Sinai,
And this City
Of Security,-
We have indeed created man
In the best of moulds,
Then do We abase him
(To be) the lowest
Of the low,-
Except such as believe
And do righteous deeds:
For they shall have
A reward unfailing.
What then, can after this
Make you deny the
Last Judgment?
Is not Allah
The wisest of Judges?”– Surah 95 (At-Tin) Verses 1-8

In Surah Al-Nahl (Bees) and Surah Fatir (The Creator), we are reminded that everything, including the sea, is subjected to God’s will. The blessings bestowed by Allah in the ocean provide not only nourishment but also yield precious treasures such as pearls.
“It is He Who has made
The sea subject, that ye
May eat thereof flesh
That is fresh and tender,
And that ye may extract
Therefrom ornaments to wear;
And thou seest the ships
Therein that plough the waves,
That ye may seek (thus)
Of the bounty of Allah
And that ye may be grateful.“– Surah 16 (Al-Nahl) Verse 14
“Nor are the two seas alike,-
The one palatable, sweet,
And pleasant to drink,
And the other, salt
And bitter. Yet from each
(Kind of water) do ye
Eat flesh fresh and tender,
And ye extract ornaments
To wear; and thou seest
The ships therein that plough
The waves, that ye may
Seek (thus) of the Bounty
Of Allah that ye
May be grateful.”– Surah 35 (Fatir) Verse 12
Fish is also mentioned in Surah Al-Kahf in the story of Musa (Moses) and Al-Khidr which emphasizes humility, patience and trust in God.
According to an authentic narration collected by Bukhâri, Musa (as) received a divine command to embark on a journey to meet Al-Khidr, a righteous servant of God whom Allah had imparted with some knowledge which Musa had not been granted.
As the narrative unfolds, Musa sets off, accompanied by his young assistant, towards the junction of the two seas. However, during their expedition, the salted fish they carried as provisions was unexpectedly lost. Tafsir Ibn Kathir sheds light on this event, stating: “He (Moses) had been commanded to carry a salted fish with him, and it had been said to him, when you lose the fish, that will be a sign that you have reached the right place.”
“But when they reached
The Junction, they forgot
(About) their Fish, which took
Its course through the sea
(Straight) as in a tunnel.”– Surah 18 (Al-Kahf) Verse 61
“He replied: ‘Sawest thou
(What happened) when we
Betook ourselves to the rock?
I did indeed forget
(About) the Fish: none but
Satan made me forget
To tell (you) about it:
It took its course through
The sea in a marvellous way!”– Surah 18 (Al-Kahf) Verse 63
Flesh of fowls

In Surah Al-Waqi’a (The Inevitable Event), verse 21 reads:
“And the flesh of fowls,
Any that they may desire.”– Surah 56 (Al-Waqi’a) Verse 21
In other words, the people of Paradise will be blessed with countless delights including “meat from any bird they desire“.

In Surahs Al-An’am (The Cattle) and ‘Abasa (He Frowned), we are invited to reflect upon the great blessings from Allah. By the grace of God, a solitary seed can seamlessly transition into an abundance of fruit.
“It is He Who sendeth down
Rain from the skies:
With it We produce
Vegetation of all kinds:
From some We produce
Green (Crops), out of which
We produce,
Close-compounded grain
Out of the date-palm
And its sheaths (or spathes)
(Come) clusters of dates
Hanging low and near:
And (then there are) gardens
Of grapes, and olives,
And pomegranates,
Each similar (in kind)
Yet different (in variety):
When they begin to bear fruit,
Feast your eyes with the fruit
And the ripeness thereof.
Behold! In these things
There are Signs for people
Who believe.”– Surah 6 (Al-An’am) Verse 99
These great blessings from Allah also contain “an evidence in the vegetation’s coming to life from the lifeless earth, that the bodies can be brought to life after being decayed bones and scattered dust.”
“And We split the earth
In fragments,
And produce therein grain,
And Grapes and
The fresh vegetation,
And Olives and Dates,
And enclosed Gardens,
Dense with lofty trees,
A provision
For you and your cattle.”– Surah 80 (‘Abasa) Verses 26-31
And with a single kind of water, God makes diverse crops flourish, from olives and date palms to grapes and pomegranates, each with a distinct taste, color, scent, and shape. These are all “a Sign for those who give thought.”
“With it He produces
For you corn, olives,
Date-palms, grapes,
And every kind of fruit:
Verily in this is a Sign
For those who give thought.”– Surah 16 (Al-Nahl) Verse 11

Honey is one of the foods of “Jannah”, the final abode of the Righteous. In Surah Muhammad, a description of Paradise includes not only “rivers of honey, pure and clear” but also “rivers of wine” and “rivers of milk of which the taste never changes.”
“(Here is) the description
Of the Garden which
The righteous are promised:
In it are rivers
Of water unstaling:
Rivers of milk
Of which the taste
Never changes; rivers
Of wine, a joy
To those who drink;
And rivers of honey
Pure and clear. In it
There are for them
All kinds of fruits;
And Forgiveness from their Lord,
(Can those in such Bliss)
Be compared to such as
Shall dwell for ever
In the Fire, and be given,
To drink, boiling water,
So that it cuts up
Their bowels (to pieces)?”– Surah 47 (Muhammad) Verse 15
Honey’s health benefits date back to at least 1600 BCE. This knowledge is documented in an ancient medical text called “The Edwin Smith Papyrus,“. The latter outlines the use of honey for preventing and treating infections.
In Surah An-Nahl (Bees), honey is uniquely described as a “drink of varying colours” and praised for its healing properties.
“Then to eat of all
The produce (of the earth),
And follow the ways of Thy
Lord made smooth: there issues
From within their bodies
A drink of varying colours,
Wherein is healing for men:
Verily in this is a Sign
For those who give thought.”– Surah 16 (Al-Nahl) Verse 69
Manna & Quails

The term “manna” appears multiple times in all three Holy scriptures: The Torah, The Bible and The Quran.
According to Merriam-Webster, manna refers to a “food miraculously supplied to the Israelites in their journey through the wilderness.” Indeed, in Surahs Al-Baqarah (The Heifer), Al-A’raf (The Heights) and Ta-Ha, manna and quails are cited among the blessings bestowed by Allah upon the Children of Israel during their 40 year-journey in the Sinai desert following their Exodus from Egypt.
“And We gave you the shade of clouds
And sent down to you
Manna and quails, saying:
‘Eat of the good things
We have provided for you:’
(But they rebelled);
To Us they did no harm,
But they harmed their own selves.”– Surah 2 (Al-Baqarah) Verse 57
“We divided them into twelve Tribes
Or nations. We directed
Moses by inspiration,
When his (thirsty) people asked
Him for Water: ‘Strike the rock
With thy staff’: out of it
There gushed forth twelve springs:
Each group knew its own place
For water. We gave them
The shade of clouds, and sent
Down to them manna and quails,
(Saying): ‘Eat of the good things
We have provided for you’:
(But they rebelled); to Us
They did no harm, but
They harmed their own souls.”– Surah 7 (Al-A’raf) Verse 160
According to Tafsir Ibn Kathir, the manna “was whiter than milk and sweeter than honey” and “used to rain down on the Children of Israel, just as the snow falls, from dawn until sunrise.”
“O ye Children of Israel!
We delivered you from
Your enemy, and We
Made a Convenant with you
On the right side of
Mount (Sinai), and We sent
Down to you Manna
And quails:”– Surah 20 (Ta-Ha) Verse 80

Note: The subsequent Surahs feature the Arabic term “sumbulaatin” (سُنۢبُلَـٰتٍ) which can mean ears of corn or ears of wheat. The Quran translation I have chosen for this article opted for “ears of corn”. However, it is important to note that alternative translations may employ the term “ears of grain” instead.
Corn is mentioned in Surah Yusuf when the King of Egypt seeks Prophet Yusuf’s interpretation of his dream. According to Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Prophet Yusuf (as) “interpreted the cows to be years, because cows till the land that produce fruits and vegetables, which represent the green ears of corn in the dream.”
“The king (of Egypt) said:
‘I do see (in a vision)
Seven fat kine, whom seven
Lean ones devour,-and seven
Green ears of corn, and even (others)
Withered. O ye chiefs!
Expound to me my vision
If it be that ye can
Interpret visions.”– Surah 12 (Yusuf) Verse 43
The kingdom would eventually undergo a cycle of seven prosperous years followed by seven years of drought.
“(Joseph) said: ‘For seven years
Shall ye diligently sow
As is your wont:
And the harvests that ye reap,
Ye shall leave them in the ear,-
Except a little, of which
Ye shall eat.“– Surah 12 (Yusuf) Verse 47
In Surah Al-Baqarah (The Heifer), there is also mention of corn in the parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, seeking His pleasure.
“The parable of those
Who spend their wealth
In the way of Allah is that
Of a grain of corn: it growth
Seven ears, and each ear
Hath a hundred grains.
Allah giveth manifold increase
To whom he pleaseth:
And Allah careth for all
And he knoweth all things.”– Surah 2 (Al-Baqarah) Verse 261

Camphor is used in several industries and yet, it remains generally unknown by the public.
According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, camphor is a white crystalline substance “obtained especially from the wood and bark of the camphor tree and used as a liniment and mild topical analgesic in medicine, as a plasticizer, and as an insect repellent”.
Camphor is also loved by the food industry. Its edible form is often used as a flavouring agent and as a preservative in confectionary goods
In Surah Ad-Dahr/Al-Insan (Man), there is mention of a wine flavoured with camphor that is enjoyed by the Righteous in Paradise. It is believed that the heavenly camphor, different from the camphor on Earth, is safe from any harmful effects.
“As to the Righteous,
They shall drink
Of a Cup
Mixed with Kāfūr,-“– Surah 76 (Ad-Dahr/Al-Insan) Verse 5
Did you know? Edible camphor has been an important part of India’s culinary culture for years. In South India, it is often added to various desserts such as boondi laddu (a sweet made with gram flour, ghee, sugar and flavoured with hints of clove, cardamom and camphor) and sweet pongal (a sweet porridge with rice and mung lentils).

Surah Ad-Dahr/Al-Insan (Man) reveals a heavenly drink mixed with “Zanjabil” (ginger).
Did you know? Unlike camphor, which tends to impart a cooling sensation, ginger exhibits a distinct warming effect when introduced to the body. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), ginger is considered to have warm characteristics that can help to improve the spleen and digestive systems.
“And they will be given
To drink there of a Cup
Mixed with Zanjabil,-“– Surah 76 (Ad-Dahr) Verse 17

Islamic law mandates that the slaughtering of an animal be conducted in accordance with specific guidelines and principles. The slaughter must be done in the name of God. It must also prioritize animal welfare and adhere to ethical principles outlined in Islamic teachings.
In Surahs Al-Baqarah (The Heifer), Al-Nahl (Bees) and Al-An’am (The Cattle), prohibited animal products are explicitly addressed. This includes dead meats, blood and pig flesh. For this reason, specialties such as black pudding (blood sausage originating in the United Kingdom and Ireland) and Thit Dong (Vietnamese pork aspic) are avoided by Muslims.
“He hath only forbidden you
Dead meat, and blood,
And the flesh of swine,
And that on which
Any other name hath been invoked
Besides that of Allah.
But if one is forced by necessity,
Without wilful disobedience,
Nor transgressing due limits,-
Then is he guiltless.
For Allah is Oft-Forgiving
Most Merciful.”– Surah 2 (Al-Baqarah) Verse 173
“He has only forbidden you
Dead meat, and blood,
And the flesh of swine,
And any (food) over which
The name of other than Allah
Has been invoked.
But if one is forced by necessity,
Without wilful disobedience,
Nor transgressing due limits,-
Then Allah is Oft-Forgiving,
Most Merciful.”– Surah 16 (Al-Nahl) Verse 115
“Say: ‘I find not
In the Message received
By me by inspiration
Any (meat) forbidden
To be eaten by one
Who wishes to eat it,
Unless it be dead meat,
Or blood poured forth,
Or the flesh of swine,-
For it is an abomination-
Or what is impious, (meat)
On which a name has been
Invoked, other than Allah’s.’
But (even so), if a person
Is forced by necessity,
Without wilful disobedience,
Nor transgressing due limits,-
Thy Lord is Oft-forgiving,
Most Merciful.”– Surah 6 (Al-An’am) Verse 145
Surah Al-Maida (The Table) further details the circumstances that render a meat unlawful, specifying instances such as animals killed by strangling, a violent blow, a headlong fall, or being gored to death. It also mentions meat sacrificed on stone altars and meat that has been partially consumed by a wild animal, stipulating that unless the proper method of slaughter is feasible, it is to be avoided.
Additionally, this Surah addresses the prevalent Pagan Arab custom of dividing meat through the use of arrows, a practice explicitly prohibited for Muslims. As explained by English writer and Islamic scholar Martin Lings in his book “Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources“, “this had become the recognised way of deciding an issue of doubt, and it was done by means of divining arrows inside the Ka’bah, in front of the Moabite idol Hubal.”
“Forbidden to you (for food)
Are: dead meat, blood,
The flesh of swine, and that
On which hath been invoked
The name of other than Allah;
That which hath been
Killed by strangling,
Or by a violent blow,
Or by a headlong fall,
Or by being gored to death;
That which hath been (partly)
Eaten by a wild animal;
Unless ye are able
To slaughter it (in due form);
That which is sacrificed
On stone (altars);
(Forbidden) also is the division
(Of meat) by raffling
With arrows: that is impiety
This day have those who
Reject Faith given up
All hope of your religion:
Yet fear them not
But fear Me.
This day have I
Perfected your religion
For you, completed
My favour upon you,
And have chosen for you
Islam as your religion.
But if any is forced
By hunger, with no inclination
To transgression, Allah is
Indeed Oft-forgiving,
Most Merciful.”– Surah 5 (Al-Maida) Verse 3
The spirit of sharing holds immense significance in Islam. In Surah Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage), believers are reminded to eat what has been provided to them and also to share with those in need.
“’That they may witness
The benefits (provided) for them,
And celebrate the name
Of Allah, through the Days
Appointed, over the cattle
Which He has provided for them
(For sacrifice): then eat ye
Thereof and feed the distressed
Ones in want.”– Surah 22 (Al-Hajj) Verse 28
It is also important to mention that when halal slaughtering takes place, it must always be done with piety and sincerity.
“It is not their meat
Nor their blood, that reaches
Allah: it is your piety
That reaches Him: He
Has thus made them subject
To you, that ye may glorify
Allah for His guidance to you:
And proclaim the Good News
To all who do good.”– Surah 22 (Al-Hajj) Verse 37
Did you know? Islam encourages moderation in food consumption, advising believers to avoid excess, express gratitude, and refrain from making unlawful what has been declared lawful for them.
Meat is also mentioned in Surah Hud and Surah Az-Zariyat (Scattering Winds), when Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) (as) welcomes visitors with a roasted calf to host them.
“There came Our Messengers
To Abraham with glad tidings.
They said: ‘Peace!’ He answered,
‘Peace!’ and hastened
To entertain them
With a roasted calf.”– Surah 11 (Hud) Verse 69
As the story unfolds, we learn that the guests are actually angels in the form of young men, thus explaining their abstention from the meal offered to them.
“But when he saw
Their hands not reaching
Towards the (meal), he felt
Some mistrust of them,
And conceived a fear of them.
They said: ‘Fear not:
We have been sent
Against the people of Lut.“– Surah 11 (Hud) Verse 70
“Then he turned quickly
To his household, brought
Out a fatted calf,
And place it before them…
He said, ‘Will ye not
(When they did not eat),
He conceived a fear of them.
They said, ‘Fear not,’
And they gave him
Glad tidings of a son
Endowed with knowledge.”– Surah 51 (Az-Zariyat) Verse 26-28

Surahs Al-Nahl (Bees), Al-Muminun (The Believers) and Yasin all contain verses that emphasize the role of milk not only as a crucial source of nutrition but also as a symbolic manifestation of Allah’s Mercy and divine provision.
“And verily in cattle (too)
Will ye find an instructive Sign.
From what is within their bodies,
Between excretions and blood,
We produce, for your drink,
Milk, pure and agreeable
To those who drink it.“– Surah 16 (Al-Nahl) Verse 66
“And in cattle (too) ye
Have an instructive example:
From within their bodies
We produce (milk) for you
To drink; there are, in them,
(Besides), numerous (other)
Benefits for you;
And of their (meat) ye eat;”– Surah 23 (Al-Muminun) Verse 21
“And they have (other) profits
From them (besides), and they
Get (milk) to drink.
Will they not then
Be grateful?”– Surah 36 (Yasin) Verse 73
Milk is also alluded to in Surah Al-Baqarah (The Heifer), which underscores the importance of a mother’s milk for an infant. In fact, it urges a two-year period of suckling when possible.
This divine counsel resonates with contemporary health recommendations put forth by The World Health Organization, which endorses exclusive breastfeeding for the initial six months of an infant’s life, followed by the introduction of nutritionally balanced complementary food, alongside continued breastfeeding for at least two years, if possible.
“The mothers shall give suck
To their offspring
For two whole years
For him who desires
To complete the term.
But he shall bear the cost
Of their food and clothing
On equitable terms.
No soul shall have
A burden laid on it
Greater than it can bear.
No mother shall be
Treated unfairly
On account of her child.
Nor father
On account of his child,
An heir shall be chargeable
In the same way.
If they both decide
On weaning,
By mutual consent,
And after due consultation.
There is no blame on them,
If ye decide
On a foster-mother
For your offspring
There is no blame on you,
Provided ye pay (the foster mother)
What ye offered,
On equitable terms.
But fear Allah and know
That Allah sees well
What ye do.”– Surah 2 (Al-Baqarah) Verse 233
Did you know? Surah Al-Baqarah is the longest Surah in the Quran. It has a total of 286 verses.
And, in Surah Muhammad, rivers of milk are promised as one of the countless blessings for the Righteous residing in the Gardens of Paradise.
“(Here is) the description
Of the Garden which
The righteous are promised:
In it are rivers
Of water unstaling:
Rivers of milk
Of which the taste
Never changes; rivers
Of wine, a joy
To those who drink;
And rivers of honey
Pure and clear. In it
There are for them
All kinds of fruits;
And Forgiveness from their Lord,
(Can those in such Bliss)
Be compared to such as
Shall dwell for ever
In the Fire, and be given,
To drink, boiling water,
So that it cuts up
Their bowels (to pieces)?”– Surah 47 (Muhammad) Verse 15
According to Surah At-Tatfif/Al-Mutaffifin (Those who Give Short Measure), the people of Paradise will experience Tasnim which is describe by Quran commentary as “a heavenly fountain whose drink is superior to that of the Purest Wine. It is the nectar drunk by Those Nearest to Allah.”
“Their thirst will be slaked
With Pure Wine sealed;
The seal thereof will be
Musk: and for this
Let those aspire,
Who have aspirations:
With it will be (given)
A mixture of Tasnim :
A spring, from (the waters)
Whereof drink
Those Nearest to Allah.”– Surah 83 (At-Tatfif) Verses 25-28
Olive oil

In Surah Al-Muminun (The Believers), there is mention of a tree producing oil and “springing out of Mount Sinai”. This refers to the olive tree and the precious olive oil it produces.
According to Tafsir Ibn Kathir, there are several olive trees in the mountains nearby Mount Sinai, where Allah spoke to Prophet Musa (sa).
“Also a tree springing
Out of Mount Sinai
Which produces oil,
And relish for those
Who use it for food.“– Surah 23 (Al-Muminun) Verse 20
Olive oil is highly praised in prophetic medicine. In fact, “At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah narrated that Abu Hurairah (ra) related from the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ that he said:
“Eat the Zait (oil) and use it as an ointment, because it is produced by a blessed tree.””
Olive oil is also mentioned in Surah An-Nur (Light). The latter beautifully conveys the concept of divine illumination, with olive oil as part of a parable that compares the bright light filling the heart of the believer to an oil that is pure and almost luminous despite it never being touched by fire.
“Allah is the Light
Of the heavens and the earth.
The parable of His Light
Is as if there were a Niche
And within it a Lamp:
The Lamp enclosed in Glass:
The glass as it were
A brilliant star:
Lit from a blessed Tree,
An Olive, neither of the East
Nor of the West,
Whose Oil is well-nigh
Though fire scarce touched it:
Light upon Light!
Allah doth guide
Whom He will
To His Light:
Allah doth set forth Parables
For men: and Allah
Doth know all things.”– Surah 24 (An-Nur) Verse 35
According to comments made by Ibn `Abbas (recorded by Ibn Abi Hatim), the phrase “An Olive, neither of the East, Nor of the West,” refers to “a tree in the desert which is not shaded by any other tree or mountain or cave”. He further explains that when an olive tree is exposed to the sun all day long, it produces the best oil.

In Surah Al-An’am (The Cattle), we contemplate the pivotal role of rain in our ecosystem, nurturing the growth of various vegetation including the olive tree.
“It is He Who sendeth down
Rain from the skies:
With it We produce
Vegetation of all kinds:
From some We produce
Green (Crops), out of which
We produce,
Close-compounded grain
Out of the date-palm
And its sheaths (or spathes)
(Come) clusters of dates
Hanging low and near:
And (then there are) gardens
Of grapes, and olives,
And pomegranates,
Each similar (in kind)
Yet different (in variety):
When they begin to bear fruit,
Feast your eyes with the fruit
And the ripeness thereof.
Behold! In these things
There are Signs for people
Who believe.”– Surah 6 (Al-An’am) Verse 99
This Surah also encourages believers to savor the bounties of each season and emphasizes the importance of avoiding food wastage.
Did you know? Olives are typically harvested from October to January in the Northern Hemisphere and from April through July in the Southern Hemisphere. Spain is the largest olive producer in the world.
“It is He who produceth
Gardens, with trellises
And without, and dates,
And tilth with produce
Of all kinds, and olives
And pomegranates,
Similar (in kind)
And different (in variety):
Eat of their fruit
In their season, but render
The dues that are proper
On the day that the harvest
Is gathered. But waste not
By excess: for Allah
Loveth not the wasters.”– Surah 6 (Al-An’am) Verse 141
Surahs Al-Nahl (Bees) and ‘Abasa (He Frowned) reaffirm the message that everything, from the olive to the date-palms, is a creation of Allah. These serve as significant Signs for those who reflect.
“With it He produces
For you corn, olives,
Date-palms, grapes,
And every kind of fruit:
Verily in this is a Sign
For those who give thought.”– Surah 16 (Al-Nahl) Verse 11
“And We split the earth
In fragments,
And produce therein grain,
And Grapes and
The fresh vegetation,
And Olives and Dates,
And enclosed Gardens,
Dense with lofty trees,
A provision
For you and your cattle.”– Surah 80 (‘Abasa) Verses 26-31
The olive is also mentioned alongside the fig in Surah At-Tin (The Fig), which begins with an oath highlighting the concept of humans being created in the best form.
“By the Fig
And the Olive,
And the Mount
Of Sinai,
And this City
Of Security,-
We have indeed created man
In the best of moulds,
Then do We abase him
(To be) the lowest
Of the low,-
Except such as believe
And do righteous deeds:
For they shall have
A reward unfailing.
What then, can after this
Make you deny the
Last Judgment?
Is not Allah
The wisest of Judges?”– Surah 95 (At-Tin) Verses 1-8

Gambling and the consumption of wine are deemed to cause more harm than good. Surah Al-Baqarah (The Heifer) unequivocally addresses this, asserting that ‘in them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit.'” In Islam, the consumption of any substance that causes intoxication is not permissible.
“They ask thee
Concerning wine and gambling.
Say: “In them is great sin,
And some profit, for men;
But the sin is greater
Than the profit.”
They ask thee how much
They are to spend;
Say: “What is beyond your needs.”
Thus doth Allah
Make clear to you
His signs: in order that
Ye may consider –“– Surah 2 (Al-Baqarah) Verse 219
Wine is also mentioned in Surah Yusuf, when a young imprisoned man details his most recent dream to Prophet Yusuf (as):
“Now with him there came
Into the prison two young men.
Said one of them; ‘I see
Myself (in a dream)
Pressing wine,’ Said the other:
‘I see myself (in a dream)
Carrying bread on my head,
And birds are eating thereof.’
‘Tell us’ (they said) ‘the truth
And meaning thereof: for we
See thou art one
That doth good (to all).”– Surah 12 (Yusuf) Verse 36
To which Prophet Yusuf replies:
“’O my two companions
Of the prison! As to one
Of you, he will pour out
The wine for his lord to drink;
As for the other, he will
Hang from the cross, and the birds
Will eat from off his head.
(So) hath been decreed
That matter whereof
Ye twain do enquire’…”– Surah 12 (Yusuf) Verse 41
It is worth noting that “his lord” in this verse is intentionally written in lowercase, indicating reference to the ruler the prisoner answered to before being jailed. Some scholarly commentaries propose that this dream interpretation could refer to the prisoner being freed and, once again, under the grace of the Pharaoh.
As for Surah Muhammad, it reveals rivers of wine (as well as rivers of milk and honey) for the Righteous residing in the Gardens of Paradise (as previously mentioned).
“(Here is) the description
Of the Garden which
The righteous are promised:
In it are rivers
Of water unstaling:
Rivers of milk
Of which the taste
Never changes; rivers
Of wine, a joy
To those who drink;
And rivers of honey
Pure and clear. In it
There are for them
All kinds of fruits;
And Forgiveness from their Lord,
(Can those in such Bliss)
Be compared to such as
Shall dwell for ever
In the Fire, and be given,
To drink, boiling water,
So that it cuts up
Their bowels (to pieces)?”– Surah 47 (Muhammad) Verse 15
Surahs Al-Waqi’a (The Inevitable Event) and At-Tur (Mount Sinai) also underscore the perfection of drinks served in Paradise. These bring neither intoxication nor any undesirable aftereffects upon consumption.
“They shall there exchange,
One with another,
A cup
Free of frivolity,
Free of sin.”– Surah 52 (At-Tur) Verse 23
“With goblets, (shining) beakers,
And cups (filled) out of
Clear-flowing fountains:
No after-ache will they
Receive therefrom, nor will they
Suffer intoxication:”– Surah 56 (Al-Waqi’a) Verse 18-19

Pomegranates are referenced twice in Surah Al-An’am (The Cattle). Often mentioned alongside dates and olives, these vibrant red fruits offer several health benefits. According to Sharique (2018), “accumulating evidence suggests that pomegranate can stimulate many genes and proteins to suppress cancer growth and its progression”. Additionally, the rich presence of polyphenols in pomegranate juice is associated with potential neuroprotective effects.
“It is He Who sendeth down
Rain from the skies:
With it We produce
Vegetation of all kinds:
From some We produce
Green (Crops), out of which
We produce,
Close-compounded grain
Out of the date-palm
And its sheaths (or spathes)
(Come) clusters of dates
Hanging low and near:
And (then there are) gardens
Of grapes, and olives,
And pomegranates,
Each similar (in kind)
Yet different (in variety):
When they begin to bear fruit,
Feast your eyes with the fruit
And the ripeness thereof.
Behold! In these things
There are Signs for people
Who believe.”– Surah 6 (Al-An’am) Verse 99
“It is He who produceth
Gardens, with trellises
And without, and dates,
And tilth with produce
Of all kinds, and olives
And pomegranates,
Similar (in kind)
And different (in variety):
Eat of their fruit
In their season, but render
The dues that are proper
On the day that the harvest
Is gathered. But waste not
By excess: for Allah
Loveth not the wasters.”– Surah 6 (Al-An’am) Verse 141
Pomegranates are also one of the bounties of Paradise. Surah Ar-Rahman (The Merciful) highlights the promise of pomegranates adorning both gardens of Paradise.
According to Tafsir Ibn Kathir, “there are two gardens made of gold, their vessels and all they contain, and there are two gardens made of silver, their vessels and all they contain. The first two are for the near believers (Muqarribin) and the latter two are for those on the right (Ashab Al-Yamin).”
“In them will be Fruits,
And dates and pomegranates: Then which of the favours Of your Lord will ye deny?”– Surah 55 (Ar-Rahman) Verses 68-69